My husband works in a very old nasty steel mill 12 hours a day, he used to work a 2nd job on his days off but they changed his schedule and he can no longer do that. My car is broke down we cant afford to fix it, if I get a job the kids will lose their insurance,and w/ min wage what would i make after paying daycare for 3 kids? my husband works hard to support us but we got behind and are trying to get caught up we barely have money for groceries, we dont qualify for food-stamps. Ive sold everything of value on eBay we are down to nothing. I need to go the doctor but i am the only one in the house w/o ins.anyways i am desperate for my kids Christmas, I pray so many times a day because i know the lord will come through for my family. i have a 10 month old daughter, 3 1/2 yo son and 12 yo son i am not picky by no means any help would be a blessing from God please help and I will return the favor when I can,thank you and God Bless everyone on this website you all will be in my prayers.i put $100 each but that is not what expected at all it just makes u put in amount.I will feel blessed with any help.