We have been married almost a year now in Dec. My husband has 2 boys who reside with their mother and I have 2 boys and one girl who reside with their dad. His kids were ripped away from him by his ex, she's a mean woman. My ex and I agreed at the time that it would be in the kids best intrest to live with him because he had the good job and I had only been a stay at home mom most my adult years. He ended up moving 8 hours away so I only see my kids 3 times a year which is way more than what my husband sees his. Between bills, traveling, gas, food and child support we have not been able to get our children anything. I want this christmas to be special. They deserve it, they have been so patient. Jan. 18 is my youngest boys 5th birthday so i want to give him a bday party before they go back on the 6th of jan. I will only have them a week, then wont see them again till springbreak. I dont like asking for help, i would rather be the one helping. anyone who finds it in their heart to help, may god bless you and thank you from the bottom of my heart!